1971 PLYMOUTH CRICKET Recalls (2)
- Campaign:
- 72V143000 on 10/11/1979
- Component:
- Steering:rack and pinion
- Manufactured:
- 06/30/1970 - 03/31/1972
- Affected:
- 42,000
- Notes:
- Chrysler campaign no 129.possibility that under certain unusual types of roadconditionssufficient loading can be generated in steering linkage to overstressand bend steering gear rack bar.if condition exists, could result in bindinggear and eventual loss of steering consrol.(correct ay inspecting andreplacing with modified rack bar assembly.).
- Campaign:
- 71V113000 on 10/11/1979
- Component:
- Suspension:front:wheel bearing
- Affected:
- 7,544
- Notes:
- Chrysler campaign no 111.front wheel bearing may have been i mproperlylubricated, could promote premature bearing failure,which if ignored mighteventually result in loss of vehicle c ontrol.(correct by properlylubricating.)
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